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By Shodan. Started on December 9th, 2019.

  • Introduction
    1. A Brief History of C
    2. 1001 Reasons to Program in C
    3. C Programming Philosophy
    4. C Versus C++
    5. An Application's Development Cycle
    6. This Guide's Composition
  • My First Program
    1. Intro
    2. The Special Character \
    3. /* Comments */
  • Basic Data Types
    1. Intro
    2. Variables
    3. Variable Names
    4. Defining Values
    5. Integers - int
    6. Operations with integers
    7. Integers and Variations
    8. short and long
    9. signed and unsigned
    10. Decimals - float and double
    11. Operations over decimals
    12. Characters - char
    13. getchar() vs scanf()
    14. Characters and integers
    15. ( Casting )
    16. Situations in which integers and characters should not be messed up
    17. Characters and Variations
    18. Read and Write Formats
  • Tests and Conditions
    1. Intro
    2. Logical Values - True and False
    3. Relationable Operators
    4. if - else
    5. Instruction Block
    6. Indentation
    7. Chained if-else Clauses
    8. Logic Operators
    9. Logical and Relation Operator Precedence
    10. Conditional Operator - ?
    11. switch
    12. How the Switch works
    13. break
  • Cycles
    1. Intro
    2. while
    3. for
    4. do ... while
    5. Cycles (Summarized)
    6. break
    7. continue
    8. Chained Cycles
    9. Infinite Cycles
    10. ++ and -- Operators
    11. Diference between ++x and x++
    12. Complex Attribution
  • Functions and Procedures
    1. Intro
    2. A Function's Characteristics
    3. A Function's Name
    4. How a Function Works
    5. Parameters
    6. The Function's Body
    7. return
    8. Functions that Return a Value
    9. Functions and Procedures
    10. The void "type"
    11. Where to Place Functions
    12. Local Variables
    13. Final Considerations
  • Arrays
    1. Intro
    2. Declaring Arrays
    3. Automatically Initializing Arrays
    4. Arrays - Declaration Examples
    5. Some Notes About Arrays
    6. Passing Arrays into Functions
    7. Constants
    8. Defining Constants
    9. Differences between const and #define
    10. Matrixes and Multidimensional Arrays
    11. Multidimensional Arrays: Automatic Initial Loading
    12. Multidimensional Arrays: Passing to Functions

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